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What's New in Healthy Aging - December 31, 2020

New Content: Reduce your risk of developing dementia. Learn six ways to promote brain health with our free online interactive lesson. Do you or someone you care for have osteoarthritis of the hip or knee? Learn how to best manage this condition through exercise and weight management. Explore our latest COVID-19 related content to help you stay active and engaged while practicing physical distancing. New Blog Posts: Our Blog Posts are written by trusted experts to inform and inspire healthy aging. We use scientific evidence to provide credible insights on hot topics and prevalent conditions related to seniors' health. The untold story inside you Do you suffer from depression, social isolation or chronic conditions? Wondering how to get through the winter, confined in your home because of COVID-19? Could writing help you get out of the winter gloom, or even improve your physical and mental health?New Hitting the Headlines: When aging topics hit the headlines, we bring you the best available related research evidence. Aging optimally in 2021 As we look toward a new year, we often make resolutions, many of which are centred around health and wellness. While we continue to navigate lockdown restrictions in many parts of the country, we have compiled a few ways you can stay healthy, both mind and body, while at home.New Evidence Summaries: We summarize - in plain language - the key messages from recent high-quality research evidence. Community kitchens provide benefits for social and nutritional healthPublic Health Nutrition (2013) Cooking interventions found to have positive impacts on confidence and self-esteemHealth Education & Behavior (2018) Social participation is a cornerstone of successful aging in rural areasGeriatrics (2018) New Web Resource Ratings: These ratings tell you whether free health resources on the internet are based on scientific research. We assess the quality of the information to help you decide if it's valuable to you. No Web Resource Ratings have been added to the system since your last email alert Looking for something specific? Search or Browse our content. Want to know what health professionals are reading about? Sign up for Clinician Email Alerts Sign up for Public Health Professional Email Alerts Sign up for Policymaker Email Alerts - Focus: Health Systems Sign up for Policymaker Email Alerts - Focus: Social Systems

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New Content: Reduce your risk of developing dementia. Learn six ways to promote brain health with our free online interactive lesson. Do you or someone you care for have osteoarthritis of the hip or

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